Kalinko Living: Power Planting September 12, 2018 How green fingered are you? We’ve jumped on the bringing-the-outdoors-in trend, and are hurling full-speed into an early-onset horticulture obsession. Here are our four beginner’s tips for nurturing your indoor...
Home Truths: So-Fa So Good... August 08, 20182 comments ...but we can help you do better with our 5 Sofa Styling Hacks! Sofa styling?! Yes, it’s a thing. A thing quite close to our hearts in fact. Your sofa...
Kalinko Living: Picnic Picks July 16, 2018 So we've got all the kit...wine holders for the rose, ice buckets, cushions, pretty glassware, napkins...(perks of the job!) but what about the venue, what to eat, and what to read while you're propped...
Home Truths: 10 Ways to Fill your Walls Without Breaking the Bank June 29, 2018 One day, my walls will be full of Auerbach, and Hepworth, and Ben Nicholson, and Henry Moore. But in the meantime, they're full of things that give me joy, and and...
Home Truths: 5 Ways to Bring Spring into your Home April 24, 2018 In Yangon we're currently sweltering in 40 degree heat, willing the rainy season to arrive. Meanwhile the UK is serving up an extraordinary cocktail of snowstorms and heatwaves. But the date...
Home Truths: You've heard the news - Rattan's Back! September 13, 20171 comment It’s in every magazine, newspaper, and cool cat’s home. But unlike shower plants or floral wallpaper, this is no fad. Rattan’s been the Queen of Cool for centuries...
Home Truths: 8 Tips for avoiding a Sitting Room that looks like a Souk July 05, 20172 comments Ever bought something on holiday which looks weird when you get it home? Wondering how to inject spice and variety without overwhelming the room? Read on...