Meet our team and their children...

Rosiam and Emily
Rosiam is Kalinko's Yangon Manager, which means he's in charge! He's responsible for managing orders, product development, shipping, export, finance, name it, he does it! AND he's a very hands on dad to Emily who's about to be one. She loves coming to the office as that means swimming time! That's her at the top of this email with Rosiam and his wife, Eithar.

Myo, Shane and Frozen
Myo is our driver, so spends all day whizzing us down secret back-routes of Yangon. But more than that, he's the wisest and most knowledgeable man in Burma. His son, Shane, is nearly 13, and daughter, Frozen, is 11. They honestly have the world's greatest father.
Lin, Koko and Thar Pu
Lin and Koko are basically Kalinko's parents. Their adorable son, Thar Pu (also known as Boo) would probably refute that claim, but we'll hang onto it as long as we can! They are our light and guidance in times of struggle (read all about those here!) and without them Kalinko would not exist. Boo Boo is five and a half, so has lived in Yangon as long as we have! Watching him grow is a nice measure of our time here.
Gloria, Lawrence, Noreen and Florence
This very serious photo is not representative of one of the most lovely and loving families in Yangon! It's very Burmese to take having your photo taken quite seriously. And these guys don't do anything by halves. Gloria is our glorious nanny and looks after my Kalinko Kid so that I can go to work. Lawrence is 16 and wants to be a chef. Noreen is 13 and is nailing school. And little Florence is 8, but as wise as her mum.
Mr T, his "President", Juny and Romeo
Mr T lives in Kalaw where we spend most weekends when we're not in Yangon. He was originally a trekking guide, but is now a key Kalinko advisor on all things Shan State! We have spent countless happy weekends together. Juny is 13, is the top student in her school and wants to be a nurse. Romeo is 11 and wants to be a trekking guide like his dad. And their mum, the "President" does her best to kidnap my Kalinko Kid every time. I couldn't think of a nicer surrogate family for him!