Resolutions resolutions...your inbox is probably full of suggestions for a healthier, happier, more wholesome you. And it’s not rocket science: eat more greens, waste less, be more Emma Stone, less Alice Tinker...
But this year we're shifting the focus to things we can do to make life healthier, happier and more wholesome for ourselves and other people. Science knows that doing good makes you feel good, so here are four easy wins.
ONE | Who Gives a Crap?
Don't worry, this is a cool loo paper business, not a rude rhetorical question. Who Gives a Crap? makes loo paper using 100% recycled paper and bamboo (no trees are harmed in the making of their paper) and 50% of profits are donated to building loos for those that don’t have access to one. It’s a New Year No Brainer.
TWO | Hang Loose
The Keep Cup revolution is well underway, and no self-respecting millennial would dare to be seen with anything but a reusable coffee cup. But what about tea? Teabags and their plastic-filled seams are next on the agenda, so we’ve switched to loose leaf tea – much more delicious and can now be enjoyed on the go, thanks to this clever little portable tea-pot.
THREE | Screw the Diet
Screw the diet and sign up to a brownie subscription from Rise Bakery. Rise employ people who used to be homeless, train them to be master bakers and get their confidence back in the process. Brownies through your letter box: perfect to take the edge off the January blues.
FOUR | Give Someone A Career
This is amazing: Kickstarter meets The Apprentice. Through Beam, you can sponsor a someone in crisis to train for a new career. Next time that paycheque comes in, divert some of it towards helping someone find a rewarding career.
PS. Bonus number FIVE | Shop through Brands that Give us!

When you buy something from Kalinko, we order another one from the supplier. It's that direct. Every time you buy, you give back to the person that made it.