10 Reasons why Easter is the best festival in our calendars

10 Reasons why Easter is the best festival in our calendars

1. There is nothing more joyful than daffodils. Put them everywhere. They're £2 in the supermarket, or free from the garden if you're lucky. I put them on the table, in the hall, in every bedroom. Even a tiny jug of them in the bathroom (this one!). Pure delight.

2. Eggs are the best breakfast on any day, but decorating them for Easter not only gives them a fabulous je ne sais quoi but is also v. theraputic.

3. Lindt bunnies. Surely the most important piece of confectionary on earth, available all year round but unanimously endorsed at Easter. Bravo.

4. Lambs. I hate to be saccharine, but they are delightful. 

5. Lamb for the tum. Poor old lamb has a mixed reputation, but I personally love it, low and long. Obviously, being Asian on the inside, I like to do it with asian spices and Chinese pancakes as decreed by Nigella.

6. The wild abandon of chocolate for breakfast. We're all so hemmed in by what we should and shouldn't put into our bodies and when. What joy to put the optimisation of one's microbiome on hold for a tremendous day of gluttony.

7. The simple ecstasy of an Easter Egg Hunt. Whether the bunny himself, or an eager participant, the glee is hard to match elsewhere.

8. Zero pressure. For some reason Easter comes gloriously devoid of the pressure of Christmas. 

9. The promise of summer. It's the final calendar marker before the long, languorous months of summer begin.

10. The really long-weekend, hopefully full of at least one really long-lunch. You never know - it might even be outside!  



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